Well, that's a lot of work

I've corrected my original map projection to more easily portray both continents. Here's a version with the lines of longitude and latitude, equator, and the Tropics (my planet has slightly less angle of rotation than Earth, at 19°).

Asora WIP - Lines.jpg

Also, here's rudimentary plate tectonics. It's probably way off... I don't know a whole lot about them. Would tectonics help with extrapolating any of the other information, such as ocean currents? Things like temperature, currents and winds seem almost entirely interconnected with each other and I'm not sure where I would begin to get those going.

Asora WIP - Tectonics smaller.jpg

As for the ITCZ and seasons, they might be an extra step I don't need. As much as I enjoy world-building for the sake of world-building, I think I'd be able to extrapolate seasonal information for specific areas as accurately as any of the medieval inhabitants without adding in a monthly map of annual weather change... although, that animation is almost enough to make me want to