I'm not sure if anyone is interested but I have a couple of old world maps that I made and never used that I would be willing to present for use. Keep in mind that they are still unfinished (in terms of elevation data) and I won't bother finishing them unless they get shown some interest. I might also throw out some slightly modified worlds that are randomly generated.

Why the insistence on using the Mercator Projection? I've always considered it to be a butt ugly choice for world maps, however I quite like the Equirectangular Projection so maybe my opinion should be ignored. Anyway, because I am feeling exceptionally lazy at the moment my two entries will be remaining in Equirectangular Projection unless they get chosen or it turns out to be a real problem having them not be Mercator Projection. Sorry in advance if this is an issue.

Below I present my two 'designed' worlds. Please keep in mind that both are unfinished (the second more so than the first.

Entry 2:

Upload 001.jpg

Entry 3:

Upload 002.jpg