Very nice!
I like the mix of fantasy names side to side with modern age / sci fi names ..
Looks like a cool campaign world for a RPG![]()
Hello there.
So, for this map, my goal was just to make the most crisp, fat-looking mountains possible, and let the other elements, like forests and rivers, be secondary. I tried doing some coloring work, but I kept thinking the bone-color monochrome feel of the land was cooler, so that's how I kept it.
Anyway, once I had the land done, I (as usual) ended up plastering it with way too much legend, so I've included two versions of the map, one with the legend, and one without, for whichever you prefer.
FINAL_legend.jpg FINAL_bare.jpg
Let me know what you think.
Very nice!
I like the mix of fantasy names side to side with modern age / sci fi names ..
Looks like a cool campaign world for a RPG![]()
CatZeyeS Headquarters - home of free miniature skirmsh game rules and supplements
Wow! I love it, Daelin! A very beautiful style. I hope to see more maps out of you...and soon
Is there more of this world...or will there be
I don't think i can rep. you yet, but i will give it a try. Have a "like" as well.
I'm trapped in Darkness,
Still I reach out for the Stars
Awesome! I think I just love everything in it!
Gorgeous! The mountains, the forests, the rivers, the land shape, the colors, the labeling, the cartouche… It's stunning, all around! Can't rep you, but I liked and rated at least. It's an amazing map.
Really good stuff!
I really like this style Daelin, the mountains and rivers are fantastic! Sorry I can't rep you at this time.
Like others have said, this is a beautiful piece of work![]()
Finished Maps: Skenth - Prints Available!
Works in Progress: Arinthia - region of Skenth
Need something commissioned? Send me a message!
Great work (as usual from you)! Some of the best looking mountains I've seen, and even if you weren't specifically trying, all the other elements look beautiful also. I think the only thing I'm not a huge fan of is the thick, solid borders; in my opinion they would've worked better as thinner and dashed. But that's a small nitpick and really doesn't detract from the greatness of this significantly.
Oh by the way, I think having the legend out there does work better. Helps balance out all that empty space in the ocean.
I am impressed, but cant rep again at this point. The blending of the Land features is realy stunning.
How do you create the Mountains? Are they completely handdrawn or do they requier some Rendering Programs?
Last edited by Schwarzkreuz; 12-01-2013 at 08:54 PM.