Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
It is just poor grammar. What I mean is that I can't think of any solutions to make people feel comfortable joining in the discussion. In other words to open it it up somehow for them.
As a infrequent visitor/lurker, here's my take:

First, I think a big part of it is that it's December. People are just really busy this time of year. You're much more likely to get traction once the new year is here.

Beyond that, you're probably dealing with a few different kinds of concerns for people:
1. Committing to the project, but not having the time to "pull your weight"
2. Being willing to give up total creative control in order to be part of a collective project
3. Worrying that (by comparison) one's work (maps, cultural background development, sociological detail) will be "lame" (Just look at the quality of the work produced by the folks involved in this thread before you say this isn't important...)
4. Lack of direction/clarity OR lack of flexibility. Yeah, this is a double edged sword, but some people "need" a clearer global vision from which to work, while others will be turned off by what minimal parameters are imposed.

Not sure if that's helpful or not! I do hope this gets momentum, as it's a nice idea.