Hey guys,

I had some time to work on my map. I continued working on the water effects and added a new tool to my repertoire: the 'blur' tool. You can read more about my foray into creating water effects here.

Here's what the map looked like when I tried using water texturing:
After about forty-five minutes, it was clear that this just wasn't working. Using background textures is a technique that shows a lot of promise, but it's definitely something that has to be planned for and not just thrown in. If I had picked more ammenable colors starting, and applied the texture before the colors it may have worked. But I didn't and I don't have much time to waste, so I moved on to another technique.

This is result:
It's turned out pretty well so far, well enough that I think it's time to move on to colorizing the other parts of the map. I'll come back and finish it (adding more coloring, blending it a little better), but for the moment it's definitely good enough for me to proceed.

On a side note, it's not a black and white map anymore. Does anyone know how I can edit the title of the thread?