That seems like a fair compromise. Looking at it I guess detail is not as much of a problem as I think.

The pixels along the equator of that map are about 4 km across meaning those hexs end up around 250 kms from edge to edge (if one does no accounting for projection). I am curious why there is resistance to dividing the plots according to geography? No matter which way it done it is going to be arbitrary. With the level of detail though we'd have to allow somewhere around 10 plots or more to be claimed at once by one person. If we take the trouble to divide the plots according to the projection it also makes things simpler than warping the hexes.

I'm not sure I understand the need for hexes though. Especially if we alter the grid for projection it's easier to deal in squares (or hand drawn plots). If we go the small plot route choosing squares in an irregular pattern is no problem. Although I guess it does cause problems dealing with the buffer zonez.