There's no need to get testy.

No one said that it was a bad idea or that you couldn't do it. No one said take it down, or stop.

But not everyone IS going to like every idea. If it's part of a cooperative project, it's ALL going to be open to discussion - including *when* to do certain things. As with anything else in life there are pros and cons and what are pros to some people will be cons to other people and vice versa. People will express dissent at things they don't like and/or question things they don't understand.

That's part of a COMMUNITY project. You're right, there's no real "leadership" because it isn't meant to be a profitable (or even solely a *gaming* exercise) it's meant to be a group project and that's what it is. No single person gets to decide.

Your suggestions got shot down (by some people) because those people don't think it's a good idea. That's part of life. Everyone isn't going to like your ideas, and they don't have to just go along without saying so.

Your suggestions got shows of support (by some people) because those people think it IS a good idea. That's part of life too.

Other people (myself included) try asking questions and making commentary because they are undecided on how things should go, and want to understand.

All three groups of people have a right to voice their opinions at *Every* stage of the process, in every single CWBP thread.

If you can't handle that, and you don't want to be part of the project because of it, then no one can stop you from walking away. That's *your* choice.

But there is no need to be rude or insulting about it.

And now that I've said my piece, I shall wish you a good day, sir.