Is this for people to say what they think it is, or what they want it to be, or both?

I thought it was (and my personal thoughts on the issues):

1) To have fun building and mapping a world with other people.

2) If you only want people who are into the RP side of cartography to participate.. make it about role play. If not, don't worry about it. You can RP with any world. I didn't think that was supposed to be focused solely on the RP aspect though.

3) Just a hobby. When you add the prospect of money into aanything, *everything* about it changes. And it starts up money-mongering and bickering that will, in the end, severely restrict the creativity aspect of the project.

4) Cartographer's Guild. Open it up more than that and you start risking/sacrificing people's privacy.

And I'm sorry, but this will be my last post on the subject for a while (at least until things settle). I got interested in following/participating in the project at all because I thought it was a fun casual side project, with no worries - like money and time constraint issues - in other words, a way to relax/escape. All this fuss and bother is overwhelming. I hope everything turns out for the best, and I may still follow/participate, but for now, I've more than voiced my opinion