Yeah, I never use map objects or other map elements not created by me, in my work. Although I often reuse map objects I've created for other maps. I create everything except for the chosen font for labels (I am no fontographer). For photo-realistic maps I use image fills mostly from, but other sources (some that no longer exist) as well. I absolutely detest painting - in traditional media, as well as digitally (I don't prefer image editors), so I use color mixes (mostly watercolor schemes) applicable in my chosen vector drawing application for color fills, when I'm not using photo textures. So aside from fonts and photo-textures, everything I create is done by me only.
And of course, I do lots of hand-drawing. While I do have a drawing tablet - I still prefer to hand-draw with micropoint ink pen, and tend to only do traditional hand-drawing for my hand-drawn style, which I digitally scan with a large format scanner (from my daytime graphics shop), then import to my vector app to finish.
While I use to agressively seek out publishers to get mapping commissions, my first 3 years that's what I did. Several great commissions fell out of the sky - the publishers found me, without me even know they were looking - including Paizo Publishing. My problem is that I am too creative. Once I start to generate a map, I get ideas of stuff I want or think should be included that the publisher never asked for. Although it often worked for the client, more and more, I did not want to limit my maps to what publisher's want in their maps. I wanted more of a free hand to do as I please, so I started game development and setting design using Pathfinder RPG (since it's currently very popular, and open to OGL 3PP creations) - so I could create my own products and create maps I wanted, as well as including more maps than most RPG publishers can afford. Now I have my tutorials guides project. I have plans for other map rich products in the future.
So I am at the point that I no longer seek commission work, though I don't refuse if someone asks and if its a project interests me.
While I think its really cool that Torstan (Jonathan Roberts) got the Fire and Ice gig, as well as an upcoming movie map (that is totally secret at this time...), I would never seek commission work like that, as that is not the direction I want to go (though I wouldn't turn it down). Again, I only really want to do work that I create - not just the map, but the rest of the publication as well.