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Thread: CWBP 2: Structual underpinnings of the world (magic and otherwise)

  1. #1
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Default CWBP 2: Structual underpinnings of the world (magic and otherwise)

    We have a need to develop both Ghostman's node idea and gspRoosters Guilt That Haunts (GTH) idea that we started working on in the Genre and Era thread.

    As I understand it, we have reached a point with the Ghostman proposal where we know we are going to have these magical nodes, or gates, and that they exert influence on the world. So much so that a magnetic compass aligning to the poles cannot be reliably used. Some or all of these nodes have pathways or tunnels leading to other nodes, or who knows where. These tunnels have dimensions (so can be mapped) but tend to be quicker journeys if one can handle their magical nature (I was thinking there aspect, but that has not been determined). Thus affecting trade and so forth.

    With gspRooster's Guilt That Haunts (GTH from no on) proposal my understanding is that death (perhaps) attracts our otherworldys, which we are calling demons, and feeds them or gets them high in some manner. So like crows to carrion they tend to appear in greater numbers and stronger forms the more death is around. The demons are not existent on our world but can cross over and appear if the fabric that separates them from our world is weakened enough. We need to develop this idea a bit more and work it into our world more seamlessly.

    We should also work on anymore ideas having to do with special or noted structural elements of our world here. These are the two that we seem to have settled on so far though so lets develop them.

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    I like Azelor's idea about the second star that's sometimes in another plane/dimension/whatever. I think it could tie in nicely...

    Like the movement of the star affects the node network, or disrupts the death-energy-whatever from the GTH concept, so that demons are more or less prolific depending on when the star is visible.

    That would also give lots of leeway in the storylines available (if someone *really* didn't want to incorporate something, maybe it's because the star is gone (or back!))

    Plus, it's just cool as all get out.
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
    The demons are not existent on our world but can cross over and appear if the fabric that separates them from our world is weakened enough.
    Quote Originally Posted by Jalyha View Post
    Like the movement of the star affects the node network, or disrupts the death-energy-whatever from the GTH concept, so that demons are more or less prolific depending on when the star is visible.
    Putting these two lines together, it seems natural to propose that the illumination from this star weakens the boundaries between the worlds.

    The gates of course would be places where such borders have become permanently broken. Some of them might be warded with eg. magical runes to deter demons from passing, while other ones might be unprotected.

  4. #4
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    I just need to clarify that the orbital period of the star is around 500 years. It mean the star looks almost static. The star should be hidden only by the other star or when the face of the planet faces the other direction. It will be visible at daylight, for most of the day I assume.

    That idea of disruption suits a moon better as I think it was the original idea.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    Whhhhhat about ... you said the star is sometimes on another plane or something though? D:
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  6. #6
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    That was the moon, a secondary moon Falconius said.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    I'm getting confused >.< Let mesee if I caan find the post I was thinking of...
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