Wow, you did a lot
Great job! It looks really cool ^.^
Multiple drafts in one night, I'm impressed!
Here's the mostly completed map:
Only things left to be done, are fix some annoying line errors, add the map key, and tatter the map further (and maybe add some usage marks!)
Last edited by Scoopz; 02-08-2014 at 12:15 AM.
Wow, you did a lot
Great job! It looks really cool ^.^
Have you "liked" a post today?
... and that's a MAP (pun intended D!
Alrighty then, it's done!
... pretty much.
### Latest WIP ###
Fortress Scoopz Final.png
I didn't know where I was going with this, but it's basically an artillery map of FESTUNG SCOOPZEN!!! Enjoy!
That turned out pretty nicely. Ever think about putting some elevation lines or other terrain features outside the fortress to fill up/balance some of the empty space?
Yea, but then I realized I had flattened all my layers D:
I mean I have earlier drafts, but I do not envy rotating all the bulwarks and making the castle again.
Still, you never know. I'm just tired right now, I might actually get the spirit to go back and put those in.
Even if you have flattened the layers, I think you could lighten a bit the image, it feels too dark to me, (but probably a matter of personal taste) and I would add a shield of the city to add more flavour.
Anyway, nice job!
Well, I was going for like a dirty WWI-era artillery map, with a key of the important locations.
I think a shield would add too much fantasy flair. Anyhoo, thanks for the advice/praise fellahs.
EDIT: also, to put things in perspective: This is like, maybe, the third map I've drawn on my tablet, and definitely one of the first i've tried to put a lot of effort in to.
Last edited by Scoopz; 02-10-2014 at 09:16 PM.
Love the silhouette style of the walls the circular and asymmetric style of the thing is eye catching and the grungy finish is great and not too over done. The font is a bit artistic for the rest of it, I always have a horrible time with fonts too, maybe something without the flourishes on it?
Awesome. Voting time, i'm so excited!
Just for reference, I'd like to state that I consider this a finished piece, and if given more time would most likely not make any 'significant' changes.
Good luck to everyone!