No. If high magic was chosen I would be happy with that too, but it was mid magic. Which I'm happy with and personally preferred. With guns, upon which we haven't made a decision yet, I want the world to be either firmly on one side or the other. No guns or guns galore. However guns pretty surely take the setting out of the realm of fantasy, they change the world into something that is more familiar to me, and less interesting therefore. And guns I think will lead to less interesting development for our world. I mean we could just do Earth with magic too, but that isn't as fun for me. I'm fine with both guns and high magic, I'm working on a world of my own where both are included to some degree, but I wouldn't characterize it as strictly fantasy either.

Indeed I think we have a lot of wonderful ideas for this world already, and we have a heavy focus on magic for the world, I don't particularly want to muddy it all up with guns too. In a sense I'd like to keep it more pure. That said I'd be happy to consider any arguments for guns, as right now my arguments are opposed, and I haven't seen anything to convince my to be otherwise.