No, but they don't equal more fantasy either. YOUR argument for guns was:

But god, it's mid fantasy! There should be some some fantastical elements goddammit! and if the magic is gonna be 'subtle' than the weaponry better be more than that!

EDIT: you see, something's got to be fantasy about this.

Which, if we take out the unnecessary epitaths, is (at least from what I gathered)

"it's mid fantasy! There should be some some fantastical elements! If not magic, then guns!

EDIT: you see, something's got to be fantasy about this."

My retort was that guns are not fantastical elements and one subject has nothing to do with the other.

In other words, guns have nothing to do with fantasy.

So I don't see your point at all.

EDIT: And yes, guns do detract from the fantasy element, in a way swords do not, because more people *associate* swords with fantasy.