Yes, but what I'm worried about is all the different technologies that makes standard in the world... and how fast they evolve/take over.

In the comparitive age of technology vs the age of the world, that is relatively modern. Old west is modern. Discovery of the Americas is modern. Pretty much anything 13th century + is modern to me, and there were some modern inventions even before then.

Now I'm not saying that modern is bad, but it's *more advanced* than what I pictured.

I'm worried about things like... now our people have gunpowder, steel at the very least, maybe more, they know what guns *can* do, they can create small explosions.

It does not take long for those things to develop past a point where you can control it.

My personal opinion is that the earlier we *start* our world (technology wise) the longer we can USE it without the tech taking over.

And speaking of crossbows, I'm very much on the edge just outside of opposing them

But, as I said, personal opinions. I'd like to see other people's views on the matter too