Wellllll... some races did study the stars very early on, and a few were able to do so accurately. But most do not.

Then again, we'd probably all be working mostly with the more advanced peoples, yes ?

I also think it would be different if we had a less... regular... orbit.

But I'll concede that.

The weeks... most americans now have a 5 day *work* week, and manage to accomplish.... well... quite a bit, for americans..

Add a religious day, and that's 6. ^.^ For others... again, (maybe my mind is just stuck in Ibala, and on tribal stuff?) many tribal peoples don't/didn't divide into 7 day weeks, but into MUCH shorter or longer periods of time. "Religious" days only happen with organized religion. Most organic belief systems focus on constant, every day/minute obeisance, and don't have a set day for worship. Then again, I suppose, if we're looking at more "advanced" (technologically) people, their religions might be more organized. They usually are on earth....

I'm not pushing for a 6 day week, just saying I think it's highly workable. Wasn't trying to argue/debate it, just adding observations

I'd also love an 8 day week... some sort of... infinity...symmetry... idk... I am weird. :/