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Thread: [WIP] Starfall Map Reboot

  1. #1

    Default [WIP] Starfall Map Reboot

    Here is current project on a reboot of a previous one I scrapped after finding I really didn't like how it was going. This is based on a topographical map of Venus, still, courtesy of NASA. I've done a lot of color replacement and am in the process of cleaning up landmasses and adding in some erosion.

    Landmass w. Border.png

    Considering the color pallet, I'm starting to wonder the best way to approach labels (when that eventually presents itself). Does anyone have any suggestions for how to make them pop when there is a fair amount of dark and light in a map?

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected schattentanz's Avatar
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    Ladenburg, Germany


    White font with black border?

    (Would be my first approach ...)
    CatZeyeS Headquarters - home of free miniature skirmsh game rules and supplements

  3. #3
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Yep, white font may not be a bad way to go. In addition, I'd suggest toning down the latitude bars; they look good, but IMO they really distract attention away from the landmasses.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the suggestion. And the latitude bars will vanish after I work up weather. They exist for now so I can place pressure systems. I figure the neat lines will suffice in the final.

    I'll post a sample with black outlined white text to get opinions in a couple of days. Thank you!

  5. #5


    I've been plugging away at this for a while now and am about ~30% through cleaning up coastlines on the land mask. I've also worked up everything through seasonal precipitation with the help of the Climate Cookbook and Ocean Currents and Climate.

    So here's what I have so far:

    Regular Map

    Ocean Currents.png
    Ocean Currents

    Precipitation - January.png
    January Precipitation

    Precipitation - July.png
    July Precipitation

  6. #6


    Here is a map with sample text using white with a black border. Also, a map with relative rainfall between seasons (below 50% gray is wetter in January, above 50% gray is wetter in July, and 50% gray is equally wet both seasons). Lastly, I have temperature maps, with darker being colder.

    Labeled Map:

    Precipitation Differences:
    Starfall - Precipitation Changes.png

    January Temperatures:
    January Temperatures.png

    July Temperatures:
    July Temperatures.png

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Lingon's Avatar
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    Dec 2012


    I love the colors in the main map! Really cool. The labeling is too bright, in my opinion, and it looks a bit pixelated. I also think the font is odd, I get a sci-fi feel from the map and the place names, but the font is a brush-drawn style. But maybe there's an explanation for that? Otherwise, great map, wonderful colors and textures

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