Thanks for the encouragement (and reps everyone!).

I still haven't had a chance to revisit many aspects of this method since the end of last year, but at the time I was finding it a very versatile tool. It has proven to be useful in a number of different contexts, here are a few other examples below:


(Upper Left) The dorms here are just beginning but I am trying to use more generic/versatile shapes than in the previous attempts. To me it has a 70's vibe though.
(Lower Left) The Victorian Mansion is just beginning (about 2-3 hrs in and I am working from a floorplan I made), but this one has been shelved since I cringe every time I look at the windows. For some reason they don't look right to me.
(Upper Right) There are also some facade studies in there looking at breaking down the facade into even finer detail (those studies came before the Victorian, where each window is a separate component), so the different elements can be reused for multiple facades.
(Lower Right) In the final corner I was exploring with curved/faceted walls, and somehow the end result made me think -Skyscrapers!-, so that is the direction I went next.


The skyscraper study is unfortunately not done enough to make a real post yet, but I will when/if I get enough of it done. Interestingly there are only 8 components in the whole skyscraper so far, and this is after about 2.5 hrs of work, with no internals. Also, I was aiming for about 100 floors, but my computer started giving up at around 60, so that is why this one stopped here.