So as the title suggests, I'm putting out feelers just to see what the potential is. I mostly do custom recreations of printed maps for D&D/Pathfinder modules, and am not crazy keen on the region/world mapping part. Dungeons and battlemaps? Yeah, I'll do that all day.

So here's my proposal, right? You need something done for a game, like a dungeon or other big show-piece? I will be happy to do it, to your exact specifications. Full color, 300ppi, 150x150 grids, real textures, the whole nine yards. In exchange, I hope someone who's got the same quality standards as I do would be willing to take my direction and create a high-res, full-color version of the map included here for my own use.

Timeframe is open without a required date, but I certainly wouldn't say no to being able to use it in my upcoming campaign, so if that's a possibility then I'll work double-time for you in return.

Does that sound alright? I hope it does.
