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Thread: Not sure if this goes here or not, but it's site related

  1. #1

    Question Not sure if this goes here or not, but it's site related

    I might just be missing something here but.... I now have the required 5 posts to be able to access the private message system... and I have not found where it is or how to message someone. I'd rather not just go yelling their name in the forum and hope they notice haha. Can someone direct me to the right place?

    Edit: Working now. Let's hear it for patience!
    Last edited by Nightshade; 04-01-2014 at 10:29 PM.

  2. #2


    Ok seems I might have given in to the instant gratification bug... a little research leads me to think I might need to wait a little bit for the site to catch up to me as my 5th post was only a few mins ago. I'll be patient haha

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