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Thread: Dealing with artifacts in Wilbur

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Wow. Your filter did a great job, and I'm sure that I can easily manipulate parts into another file as you mentioned, using layers in GIMP. But unfortunately you got sent a "bad" file to begin with- the grayscale is maxed out, so all the mountains look like plateaus, again. (Aka height clipping?) For some reason depending upon your settings on the Map-A-Planet site that happens sometimes, I've discovered.

    However, I have delved into the arcana of filesharing, if you'd like to see what I'm working on. I got a decent version from Map-A-Planet and re-did the histogram so all 256 grayscale's are used with white (255) defined as the highest point on the planet and others scaled down from there to black (0) being the lowest point on the planet. I've filled in a few of the holes in the data, but not all.

    The streaks are still there- I decided that just cloning looks like crap, so I re-started fixing the holes in the data by hand, and I'm far from done.

    I just realized that the file I'm working on is probably small enough to post here:


    Which is a bit disappointing, actually. I've clearly lost something. The original bitmaps are 13MB, but this is only 3.6MB. How did I lose all of that? And, indeed, if you look at my image it is much more "contoury."

    Grr. Well, I'm off to play around with this a bit more...
    Last edited by acrosome; 05-07-2014 at 10:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    So, here are some more download links from Map-A-Planet, in various formats, and they all look good (no height clipping). Even the JPEGs. Links are good until May 10th.





    So, I'm starting over. Again. But, hell, at least I'm learning new stuff about GIMP and Wilbur. If anything these files look too good- the resolution is fine enough that all sorts of streaks and artifacts are visible, and I doubt that I can just extrapolate the blank spaces by hand. I'll have to Clone, which I have yet to get the hang of without it looking obvious. And I'm looking forward to seeing how well the Smooth function works in Wilbur.

    Eventually I'm planning on breaking the map down into 5x5-degree-ish (depending upon latitude) regional maps.
    Last edited by acrosome; 05-07-2014 at 10:18 AM.

  3. #3
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I uploaded a new unfiltered version Here and the filtered version Here. These are based on the JPG link you provided.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept acrosome's Avatar
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    Awesome! Thanks! If I could rep you I would. Hell- I'll try, anyway.

    If anything, that looks even better than the previous one. Clearly, whatever process you used adds some streaking, too- around the blank spots for instance- but the original ones are gone and as you recommended I can cut/paste around a bit. So, now back to some drudgery... This is going to take a while.
    Last edited by acrosome; 05-08-2014 at 10:43 AM.

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