Quote Originally Posted by Azelor View Post
Your orbital period is 300 days, it's shorter than our own and usually mean that the planet is closer to the star.

I could verify the distance but I think it's too close the be in the habitable zone considering the brightness of the star.

Is it possible that you star is not a main sequence star?
Most of your informations seems to point out to a B star class. If you increase the diameter, normally, the density will get smaller and you will be able to match the average B star size. But with universe sandbox, it's always hard to get the numbers right because of how the sliders work.
Thanks for the information, i'll run it through Universe Sandbox again, i did double check and the mass to luminosity checkbox was checked so there isn't a reason for the luminosity to be off by so much. I am not opposed to the star not being a main Sequence star, hell the system isn't even in our galaxy. I did originally plan the planet to orbit a white dwarf and it has always had a 300 day year, so i placed the planet at a 300 day orbit and adjusted the temp of the star until the planet reached 17.5 C. when i checked habitable zone, the planet was within the green rings (between the 2 bands not inside the inner band). although i just now re-looked up the mass of a white dwarf and saw that my mass is way off.. which had to be a slip of the slider, so again thanks for your information, still weird that the planet's orbit and temp isn't thrown off by the mass shift.

Quote Originally Posted by Jalyha View Post
I'm trying to force myself to look at believably the way a random reader of my books would... it's them *I* would have to convince with my own worlds.

I'm simply trying the same viewpoint here

Having questionable stuff is fine, as long as you've got the answers for it
this is exactly how i feel when trying to come up with the system for my world. I'm glad i found this thread, and i will be willing to help out with anything i can, while using the knowledge/information i gain here for my own project. turning my game/book/story setting into something that provokes the Suspension of Disbelief is hard when you are as OCD about creative logic as I am.