Quote Originally Posted by NedS298 View Post
I also wouldn't use overly saturated colours, as they have the effect of warming the image (or map).
Ah-ha! That's why. Now that you point that out, yeah I can see that. Thank you for mentioning it.
Quote Originally Posted by NedS298 View Post
look up Feng Zhu on youtube. He's got some great stuff to say about colours.
I will, thank you.
Quote Originally Posted by NedS298 View Post
the trees are much too dark and I think that those brown hills look a bit odd. I'd say just make them green, unless you prefer them being brown; after all, it's your choice.
The hills are odd. I haven't been able to figure out what to do with them, though. I'll try some various greens and see what I can get. As for the trees, I want them to stand out from the other colors, and their rather dense borders do seem to darken them. I'll play with them after the hills.

Thank you for your feedback. it's always easier for me to see the next step through someone else's eyes.