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Thread: Game of Thrones - The Known World

  1. #1

    Map Game of Thrones - The Known World

    Hope you guys like the map (it's my first time making a map). Started about two days ago and originally made the coastline in MS Paint by hand, pixel by pixel. I took it over to gimp from there to add on the textures, also hand painted and was the most time consuming part. A couple of pre-existing Game of Thrones maps were used as a guide, but this map is far from accurate, let my imagination take over, but the general layout and shape for much of the world is correct. Thanks to G.R.R.M. for his amazing work.

    The World of Ice and Fire Logo 00 Transparent.png
    Published 01.pngPublished 03.png
    Published 02.pngPublished 04.png

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Welcome to the Guild mwohowm. Nice way to step up and show us what you've got!

    My advice is to work and post at a higher resolution / larger size. You did a great job drawing out the coastlines, but at any reasonable size it it distractingly pixelated.
    Otherwise I think it would look wonderful.
    You can post pictures here up to 4 MB each so in Jpg or png you have a lot of room for larger images.

  3. #3


    I completely agree with Bogie here, it looks nice, but a larger resolution is required to really appreciate it.

  4. #4


    Thanks for the feedback guys. This being my first I did make a lot of mistakes, but I learned a lot too. I don't know when or what my next one will be, but I will definitely improve upon the things you mentioned. For this one, I originally intended it to be a pixelized map, since I started making it in MS Paint and after I took it over to gimp to paint I can see how the two styles, pixelized and non-pixelized, mixed into something that isn't all to great . I also scaled the whole map 3x, maybe that wasn't such a good idea, but if you wanna see what it looked like before I scaled it up, just zoom out of it on your browser to 25% and it gives you the idea of what it looked like before.

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