Here is the first map and the first encyclopedia entry

23 Post Nomadinium -

All the inhabitants of Valarina are rumored to be all descendants of one race the Valarin. The earliest artifacts that have been found however indicate that there was at one point a schism that lead to the creation of three distinct nomadic tribes. These tribes were known as the Dorral, the Nevan and the Va’Laresh. It was these three tribes that had settled the first cities in Valarina and were the predecessors of the myriad of cultures found in modern day Valarina.

The Dorral had settled in the elevated rocky lands in the north-west. Settling on the mouth of the Vora river, which they used for easy access to the Siranese Ocean without having to handle the cliffs that lined the northwestern shore. The Dorralor named their cit, Duvantil, in respect to their pagan god of fishing and the sea: Vontil. The city relied many on the produce found within the sea and the evergreen forests for wood in order to survive. The Dorralor were lead by their chieftain, Arvorum. The Dorral were known for their hunting prowess.

The Nevan on the other hand had settled on the south-west bank of the gulf of Tosan. Their environment unlike the Dorral was very flat and full of fields. They relied on herding aurochs for their main supply, in addition to the produce of the sea. The females in this society were extremely respected and used as auroch-healers and auroch-keepers. Their settlement was known as Bastiv named after the respective word for female auroch in the Nevan language: Bahas’tia. The Nevan were lead by Horavond, who was supported by his daughter and the clans best auroch-healer Uvolla.

The Va’Laresh had settled in central southern Valarina on the banks of the Rellan. Using the river for most of their needs, they treated it like a diety. Constructing along river various shrines to appease their deities. These shrines known as Rushis eventually lead to the name of the settlement which was a portmanteau of the words Rushi and Läa, the Va’Laresh goddess of rain. They were lead by their chieftain Ciprossa and his son Civoss.