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Thread: [CWBP2] World Map construction thread

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  1. #6
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    waldonrate: Yeah a continent at each pole, it just seemed interesting to me is the only reason. Part of this is that I wanted to include a "lake" there in the Southern pole. My thinking is that it will actually be a lower than sea level basin due to sublimation and lack of any input of new water and just be an interesting feature with good story possibilities. Perhaps I'm wrong, though, snow melt in summer could fill it I suppose, not really too sure on the scientific aspect TBH.

    Azelor: The only reason it's in equirectangular is because that's the input of the NASA Map Projector thing. I think it's easier to conceptualize and work with also. For the final presentation I think we should use an expanding grid, and split the poles off and grid them separately.

    Personally one of the reasons I liked the concept was because it was South heavy but we can flip it around, it's not important to me. I'm still thinking of it in terms of Northern culture dominating so it's somewhat challenging even in this state. It just strikes me as a good way to counter our own preconceptions for creative possibilities.

    As for the land bridge to the Southern pole it is largely superfluous due to the likelihood of ice forming, but I figured the North sea had the ice possibility for a bridge and was just interested in a narrative sense of having a pole connected by land to the mainland. We can eliminate it if you want, but I feel like it has some good story potential there.

    (It was actually Thulor's second map which I ended up using, it forms those four big islands just off the South pole. I haven't however used any elements of his first map because I couldn't think of what to do with them, but now I'm thinking we can use them for inland lakes or seas or something of that nature.
    I used your northern island continent just above the big one and when I was editing it melded with that southern portion of one of my islands very well so I left it and it got kind of mangled too )

    This is the map with proposed changes:
    New Co-op proposal Edit1.png
    Last edited by Falconius; 07-25-2014 at 03:08 AM.

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