It's available for download.
I'm skipping it, 'cause my Windows experience is strictly 32-bit...
A new download? I havethe latestversion ...
It's available for download.
I'm skipping it, 'cause my Windows experience is strictly 32-bit...
Astrographer - My blog.
-How to Fit a Map to a Globe
-Regina, Jewel of the Spinward Main(uvmapping to apply icosahedral projection worldmaps to 3d globes)
-Building a Ridge Heightmap in PS
-Faking Morphological Dilate and Contract with PS
-Editing Noise Into Terrain the Burpwallow Way
-Wilbur is Waldronate's. I'm just a fan.
But Just added As I have the latest version ,and on the site I do not read of a new one ... The one I have says in the help 1.81.00
where is the 1.82 ?
Try refreshing the browser page. The current version is 1.82. I put it there myself, just this morning...
Ok I downloaded the x64 latest one and it says is 8.2 but the problem is still there the fill basin don't work as expected ... other ideas ?...
I have tried to go back in the 8192 pixels image , but I get similar weird results ... might them be to the height differences? and how can I do to not loose all the nice carved details I got there?
I need to fill to make the fluvial erosions etc ....
It turns out that 16384*8192*20 is less than zero. If you're doing signed 32-bit math, that is. The 1.83 x64 version of Wilbur should have learned math a little better for those really large surfaces.
With regards to that 8192 pixel image, those all look to be legitimate basins that Wilbur filled in. Fill basins always fills basins - you can't get an endorheic basin with Wilbur. The best that you can do is to manually cut those basin rims to establish flows.
Last edited by waldronate; 07-29-2014 at 02:56 AM.
but those are huge surfaces , and for some reason it doesn't look them to be basins but large surfaces of areas, how can I do to not cover so big surfaces but only small basins?for example the one on left covers several valleys , river areas, and basins , for a deep height that goes from 300 m up to 2000 and covers the whole territory rather than only small holes, the whole world becomes mostly broken in large flat areas , I cant go in each one of them manually and fill , also that is not happenig on Fractal terrain but also bring it in and out of FT to wilbur is not a viable option , so how to actually avoid that without a manual intervention and make it much smaller basin filling?
For better viewing I used fill basins with water in FT ... wo why instead in wilbur I get abnormal flat areas?
so it shows its an issue in wilbur , also I have tried to make a selection of all basins but it always ends in a no selection .
Last edited by Naima; 07-29-2014 at 07:49 AM.
What you showed in that large post is actually an artifact in FT, not Wilbur - FT is filling the basins in the offset channel to exactly the same sort of flat areas that Wilbur does. However, FT modulates those areas with the fractal function as part of its normal operation.
Note that the basin fill operation doesn't care how large your basin is. If I draw a 1-pixel rim around a flat map and fill basins, then the entire map except that rim will be filled because the entire map (except the rim) is a basin. The algorithm has no notion of the size of a sample (or the shape of one, for that matter): if a sample is surrounded by a higher set of samples, it's going to get filled, even if that higher set is far away in terms of the number of pixels.
As far as selecting basins showing no selection goes: The Select>>From Terrain>>Basins feature in Wilbur does a fill basins on a temporary surface and then marks as selected any places where the temporary data is higher than the main surface data. If you try to select the basins after you have filled the basins, you will find that there is no selection because there are no basins (you have already filled them, so they no longer exist). Selecting basins before filling basins will get the areas that would be filled by fill basins.
Ok I am confused .
How can I do to not get those large areas filled ? Isn't there a maximum height level for deepness of a filled basin?