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Thread: Hi

  1. #1

    Default Hi

    Hi there. I didn't introduce myself in a while. To be honest, I didn't pay special attention to learn a nice art technique for my map, as I'm focused on making it for a program I'm making about fictional worlds.

    A vegetation map of a fictional world. It has political boundaries and polar ice caps during southern hemisphere winter, besides cities and capitals.

    City codes, roads & highways added.

    A close-look example.

    This is basically a program that shows the basics of a place's climate. It does also consider time things.

    I've not worked too much on this, but it will deal with national statistics and global population numbers. I'll also do something for languages (I've designed two so far, but not quite detailed), ethnicity, races, history, etc.

    Thanks for visiting. I'd really like some suggestions.
    Last edited by Tharsoum; 08-02-2014 at 04:54 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Welcome to the Guild! Interesting looking maps.

  3. #3


    interesting looking maps. I also like how you take into account the climate of various regions.

  4. #4


    Thanks. I really like to design the climate things just as thinking the continental shapes in the map itself (though this one was created long before I got any geophysical insight), though I'd really like to make some "satellite-looking" one without those childish looks. If anyone would remotely got interested in the climate of a region and why it's like it, just ask.

    My previous snapshot had a very silly mistake (a name was repeated several times).

    A physical height map version (of quite a low resolution, considering it's a Mercator projection of a planet having the same radius as Earth).
    Last edited by Tharsoum; 08-05-2014 at 01:17 AM. Reason: previous image was wrongly uploaded.

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