New Co-op proposal.pngAttachment 66320

Just so's I can see what's happening...

To me the new land mass is too large and too samey, in effect it duplicates what is already covered in the Western (your map) large land mass. In addition it severly lessens the amount of coast line. With this proposal I count like 4 or so usable continents. With the previous one I count like 6. I think we should be looking to increase the amount of mapping opportunities which I think have been limited in the new version.

New prop likes.jpg
The areas circled in red are the ones I really like. I flipped the map horizontally to see what it looked like and that really long north south coast really bugs me. The long islands look really out of place having lost their continent. They need to be moved or deleted. Let me see what I can hack together tonight.

I'm looking to get this stuff done by the end of the week, and will pretty much approve whatever it is we have by then whether I think its good or bad. I suggest we all adopt this attitude in the interests of moving forward.