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Thread: Some fractal terrain questions

  1. #111
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    ok and how can I do to rescale back the mountain ranges that come from Wilbur ?
    I do not understand this question. Do you have an example?

  2. #112
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    1 export from FT to Mdr special and import in wilbur , all fine I work on it do some stuff save as mdr and then I export the 16 bit heightmap .
    2 I import the heightmap in world machine I erode some stuff then I export another worked heightmap

    3 I reimport the heightmap in wilbur , this time the heightmap looks as high as 65000 m from 0 and no more from -9000 to 9000 , so I rescale down of -37696 m and reach almoust the right level of sea but , the mountains are pretty high , I can work on them in wilbur though and are usefull as I can selet better the heights, I then export that again as mdr .
    4 I import the mdr in FT to work on seasons etc but themountains are incredible high and I wanted to rescale them down to -9000 to 9000 .

  3. #113
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Also here another problem...

    I generated rivers in FT as they come better there , I need ot export a mask for them , but whenever I try to export it I get this ...

    I have 32 gb why takes so much to make a binary file map ?

    Also I didn't find any export setting for a proportioned map only view to skip the viewport one instead .


  4. #114
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Also how can I avoid the wilbur tool of incise flow to create straight incisions?

    I Understood to use the generate nose % but , when I set it to 10 or 5 or whatever it create micronoise that most of the time gets flattened out on subsequent basin fill , but also its not actually relevant for the Larger fluvial erosive basins , and eventually only interacts on smaller ones ... so is there a way to avoid the large overcontinental straights?

    I tought to use for that the fractal noise but in no way I have been able to implement this as I showed in the previous tests and issues I showed you already befoure .

  5. #115
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    1 export from FT to Mdr special and import in wilbur , all fine I work on it do some stuff save as mdr and then I export the 16 bit heightmap .
    2 I import the heightmap in world machine I erode some stuff then I export another worked heightmap

    3 I reimport the heightmap in wilbur , this time the heightmap looks as high as 65000 m from 0 and no more from -9000 to 9000 , so I rescale down of -37696 m and reach almoust the right level of sea but , the mountains are pretty high , I can work on them in wilbur though and are usefull as I can selet better the heights, I then export that again as mdr .
    4 I import the mdr in FT to work on seasons etc but themountains are incredible high and I wanted to rescale them down to -9000 to 9000 .
    Scale the mountains in Wilbur before sending them to FT. Let me repeat that: scale the mountains in Wilbur before saving the MDR file and opening it to FT because you can't edit the binary data in FT. What comes out of Wilbur is what you'll have in FT when you use it to make a binary world.

    A 16-bit PNG has values ranging from 0 to 65535 (0 to 2 raised to the 16th power). If you know that you want mountains to range from -9000 to +9000 (a span of 18000), offset your PNG import to where you want it using Filter>>Fill>>Set Value with Operation Add (or your preferred offset technique), then use Filter>>Fill>>Set Value with Operation Multiply to scale the altitudes to your desired range. The easiest way to figure out the scale value is to use Window>>Histogram to figure out the maximum value and then use a multiply value of (desiredMaxValue / currentMaxValue). For example, if your histogram shows a maximum of 27839 and you'd like the maximum to be 9000, then multiply the surface by 9000/27839 or about 0.3233.

  6. #116
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Also here another problem...

    I generated rivers in FT as they come better there , I need ot export a mask for them , but whenever I try to export it I get this ...

    I have 32 gb why takes so much to make a binary file map ?
    The retail version of FT is a 32-bit program without the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag running. That means that FT gets to use 2GB of memory for all of its operations, including loading the program, undo buffers, binary file mapping into memory, and so on. I have been told that there are experimental versions with the /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag set that will give FT 4GB of working memory to play with on a 64-bit version of Windows. I have also been told that there is an alpha-level 64-bit version of FT.
    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Also I didn't find any export setting for a proportioned map only view to skip the viewport one instead .
    I don't understand this statement. FT offers two kinds of image export operations: File>>Save As with Picture Files as the type and File>>Export World>>Sphere Map Image. File>>Save As saves an image using the projection and other parameters displayed in the main window; File>>Export World>>Sphere Map Image saves an Equirectangular projection image that exactly fills the exported image. File>>Save As allows you to specify the width and height of the output image as well as keeping the proportions of the main window; File>>Export World>>Sphere Map Image allows you to specify a width from 16 to 16384 pixels and then uses half of that value as the height. Both operations require enough memory from the 2GB pool to complete their operations. File>>Save As fails with an error message; File>>Export World>>Sphere Map Image fails silently if there's an error.

  7. #117
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Also how can I avoid the wilbur tool of incise flow to create straight incisions?

    I Understood to use the generate nose % but , when I set it to 10 or 5 or whatever it create micronoise that most of the time gets flattened out on subsequent basin fill , but also its not actually relevant for the Larger fluvial erosive basins , and eventually only interacts on smaller ones ... so is there a way to avoid the large overcontinental straights?

    I tought to use for that the fractal noise but in no way I have been able to implement this as I showed in the previous tests and issues I showed you already befoure .
    Generate Percentage Noise adds noise whose magnitude is a percentage of the current altitude: mountains will get more noise than lowlands. If you'd like noise that's uniform over the area of interest, use Filter>>Noise>>Absolute Magnitude Noise instead: enter a value equal to about percentage of the average area's altitude (for an area that's about 1000 high and 5% noise, enter 50).

    The standard long-river procedure is: fill basins to get overall connectivity, absolute magnitude noise to break up the flat areas that result long straight rivers, fill basins to reestablish connectivity, and find rivers.

    I thought that I already explained how to use Filter>>Calculate Height Field as a workaround to the limitation in Filter>>Noise>>Fractal Noise.

  8. #118
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    Is there a way to Break furher the pattern on already done rivers ? I went in photoshop to fix tsome but are many ...

    Als orepeating the incise flow sevral times with an flow exponent lower it lowers the whole selection sometimes causing a visible step down like around higher areas that are bordering the selection , the idea I had was to create further incise flows on the sides of main rivers but seems that everytime I apply the incise flow it keeps taking always the same already carved flows without adding further ones on sides, so the result is mostly deepening and deepenign the already carved ones .
    Is there a way to add more mini sub rivers that go on the sides of the main ones ? I tried apply the erose from 0 to 555555 , the precipitation , but there are not visible carving even after 3 passes , dunno why I can only see those when I apply on coast mostly .

  9. #119
    Administrator waldronate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Is there a way to Break furher the pattern on already done rivers ? I went in photoshop to fix tsome but are many ...
    If you have long, straight river sections there probably isn't much to do to break them up except adding enough noise to make the river go around the noise. One thing that I've done when I'm planning to use Photoshop to assemble the final image is to export coloring that I like, fill basins, add lots of noise, fill basins again, and add a river mask from that (don't save the modified surface). The rivers will have more detail in the river mask than they would in the color image, but the color image created in Photoshop will have nicely wandering rivers that are usually close enough to the terrain to avoid awkward questions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
    Als orepeating the incise flow sevral times with an flow exponent lower it lowers the whole selection sometimes causing a visible step down like around higher areas that are bordering the selection , the idea I had was to create further incise flows on the sides of main rivers but seems that everytime I apply the incise flow it keeps taking always the same already carved flows without adding further ones on sides, so the result is mostly deepening and deepenign the already carved ones .
    Is there a way to add more mini sub rivers that go on the sides of the main ones ? I tried apply the erose from 0 to 555555 , the precipitation , but there are not visible carving even after 3 passes , dunno why I can only see those when I apply on coast mostly .
    Flow is always computed on the whole surface. That means that the original river pattern will be produced again: you won't get a deeper result.
    How much height is removed is the incise flow function of the steepness of the landscape and the magnitude of the altitude. Areas very near sea level don't get eroded as much. There is in fact a clipping operation that happens to prevent flow from going below sea level (it's one of the differences between the "Amount" and "Effect Blend": "Amount" has clipping, "Effect Blend" doesn't).

  10. #120
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
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    what's actually effect blend does though ?
    I usually set it to 0.8 and not sure of what it allows though ...

    while I usually use flow exponent between 0.4 and 0.6 that seems to depress the landscape more or less making so more carved in or less flows .

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