For 7 and 9 I like your original elevation proposition. We could knock the tip off of Azelorland in the north part and have it be like India alone on its own plate, which wuold allow us to divide it with your original proposition lines. It would be sandwiched between 11, 2, 1, and 7. And very likely also be an area of extreme activity.

I see ocean trenches forming between 11 and 12, as well as 6 and 8. Was thinking 8 might be better off moving in a more NW direction. Which would put another trench between 8 and 3.

6 and 12 I was just kind of thinking with a pen your plate division through the sea may make more sense. I'm not sure in my plan they are really reasonable.

5 just made the most sense to me spinning with a deep trench forming between the two land masses but also packing land along the same edge in the NW direction. For the lakes and things I have no idea, perhaps that side of the plate is getting pushed under 11? Doesn't seem likely though. Perhaps its as a result of a fused plate? Can that happen? In my head I was imagining it as a bunch of fjords mixed with the Canadian shield type thing. As far as precipitation based freshwater/ small lakes I was thinking we figure that out more once we get a precipitation map idea going.

North Pole: No it was my suspicion that was the reason, but I can't imagine it was very effective at balancing the numbers, it is a very small patch of sea. The reason it's there is I was imagining it as a usable navigable seaway in some manner with a port in the deep protection, maybe for some forlorn kingdom. But you are right, within any realistic reason it would be packed deep with ice. It's up to you if you want to revert it or not. For more land we could consider more in the 10 plate or along the edge where it meets 9, and 11. Or we could add some on plate 2 where 1 is smashing into it (and presumably (did you know "assumingly" wasn't a word? Why not?) going under it).