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Thread: [CWBP2] World Map construction thread

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  1. #11
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    The currents plan looks fine to me. I'd of thought the channel between Cyrus and Dearmash flows the other way though.

    Tectonic activity suggest2.jpg
    On the Earth tectonic map there seem to be dedicated ocean plates so I increased the size of 3, and put in the one on the north sea again but think I may have made it too big or not the right shape.
    I think the Thurlor Islands should be moved north more and spun which ever way makes sense to align them properly, maybe increased in size slightly, that should give a fair amount of land gain. They look like a cousin (well they are since Thurlor's map was also the source) for the happening on the east coast of Falconia so maybe should be put in some sort of relation to that?

    For plate 13 you might want to naggle it a little more north and reduce the size a little so the island are closer to the fault on the right edge. Perhaps think about reshaping plate 1 so that Blap makes more sense in that interaction there.

    On the south pole I've noticed you keep increasing the land area but I liked what you first had down there where it was really lopsided and more island like. ever since Waldonrate mentioned it the centred South pole has been nagging me. I would suggest we do a bunch of islands rather than a land massed pole but getting them right in this projection is also remarkably difficult. I removed the fault between Thurloria and the SP but was just tinkering and seeing how it looked. No idea if it makes sense or not.

    As for the final revision go for it. I'm pretty happy with what we got and as I said earlier I'm taking whatever it is at the end of the week which is now.

    Edit: Another solution to increasing the land size is to just slightly scale up some of the continents a bit, that way they don't have to be moved around all that much.
    Last edited by Falconius; 08-08-2014 at 04:08 AM.

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