Yeah looks good except for the plates in the North sea. The reason I arranged it this way is that it looks more right to me. I moved the North Pole fault line down to give reason for those Islands in the middle of nowhere, we might as well call the Iceland at this point, they are in about the right place and the cause of their formation might as well be the same too.

Plate 8, 12, and ten I suggested an alteration to their movement directions a little, but not enough to effect any big changes.

With Plate 9 I was toying with the idea of having a small plate at the end there. Not too sure about it though. Perhaps if it was actually also part of 13?

I tried moving the Thurlor Islands a bit but liked them more where you had them, only they looked too close to Falconis to me but they also look interesting so I think we ought to leave 'em in the position you had 'em.
Tectonic activity suggest3.jpg

I'm happy enough with our progress to go with whatever you revise for the plates at this point, so we can start detailing the currents and elevations if you provide a clean copy of the map mask. No need for high res yet though, not until the end.