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Thread: [CWBP2] World Map construction thread

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  1. #1
    Guild Member BlackChakram's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    I think that's a pretty good idea for detail. Enough that things can match up, but still room for creativity.

    As for plots, if we just do isolated plots, you'll get some very large differences in tone, style, flavor. Crossing a border will almost literally be like walking into another world because there will be little globalization. Real civilizations start in isolation, but eventually connect through trade, wars, etc. Nothing new here to you guys, I'm sure.

    So what about letting users add content to areas by seeding? A person picks a location on the map to be the start of their civilization or whatnot and they slowly expand out from there. As new users come in, they can pick new locations to seed depending on what they're thinking (seed locations should probably pend approval so someone doesn't troll). This way, people that want closely linked areas can seed nearby while people that want isolation can seed in a very distant region.

    Since fantasy often roughly maps to medieval, I use countries like France and Germany as rough size indicators. You could easily fit 50 or more plots that size on a map like this.

    If people wanted to make wild regions, ruins, etc etc, this could be done much the same way. They expand out their area, but then make it die.

    Now, I often lack common sense, so I'm sure there's an excellent reason why this won't work. If so, by all means lay it on me

    Also, this may be totally out of line / unfair / whatever, but I'd like to express my interest in the region highlighted pink here on the eastern continent. Can I claim dibs?
    “What is a fantasy map but a space beyond which There Be Dragons? On the Discworld we know that There Be Dragons Everywhere. They might not all have scales and forked tongues, but they Be Here all right, grinning and jostling and trying to sell you souvenirs. ”
    ~~ Terry Pratchett

    - My fantasy gamebook
    - My old Traveller actual play podcast
    - My upcoming DND cloak and dagger actual play podcast

  2. #2
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by BlackChakram View Post
    As for plots, if we just do isolated plots, you'll get some very large differences in tone, style, flavor. Crossing a border will almost literally be like walking into another world because there will be little globalization.
    I'm not sure why that is a problem. In any case a created world is going to have difficulty matching the diversity and regional differences of the real world, so much so that I think any possibility of encouraging such diversity should be pursued.

    Also, this may be totally out of line / unfair / whatever, but I'd like to express my interest in the region highlighted pink here on the eastern continent. Can I claim dibs?
    I see no reason why not. Early investors get some perks, just the way of the game. Within the context of whatever we are deciding for plots.

    This brings up another way to handle plots. If people just splotch a claim on the map like this and call dibs. Indeed thinking about it I think if may be the best method...

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