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Thread: Latitude and km/miles of the map

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    Question Latitude and km/miles of the map

    Hi I am new on creating map i have this project that requires to set the latitude and km/miles from the map (i highlight is it green square) im not sure how to get this can some one help me how to know the exact latitude line and km? or is there any software that i can use to see this then i will use it as a guide and trace it in illustrator? thank in advance.


  2. #2
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 2.49.45 pm.png here is the sample map i created in illustrator, thanks!

  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Your sample already have lines for the latitudes. i don't understand what is missing.

  4. #4
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    The latitude lines and information i use ex. 38.7N and 15km on my sample map are just placeholder to show you guys that this is what i need to know. Im not sure how to get the correct latitude lines and information google map is not showing the latitude lines any suggestion on software or website where i can get this information? thanks everyone.

    by the way im thinking on using this Esri - GIS Mapping Software, Solutions, Services, Map Apps, and Data but im not sure if this software really solves my problem.


  5. #5
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Yes, a GIS like Esri ArcGIS is the kind of tool used for this sort of thing in real life. On the other hand the entry level ArcGIS license comes in at 1500 USD last I checked. QuantumGIS is an Open Source desktop GIS similar to ArcGIS. I work for a competitor of Esri which has some involvement in QGIS so I'm not exactly an unbiased source. Still I'd recommend you start with QGIS if you want to start with GIS. You also need to be aware that a GIS is not a simple piece of software and it pretty much can't be. It takes some learning to use one.

    The basic problem is that you've got a a picture there, but it's not positioned. The things you want are the visual indication of that positioning, but you can't just pull them out of nowhere. You need to know the projection and extent on the map in order to add them. If you've just traced some arbitrary map (Be careful about tracing maps as there are copyright issues.) without knowing those things, then even with a GIS, you have no way of filling this information in without some work.

    You will need georeferenced data to plug into a GIS, like that provided by Natural Earth or OpenStreetMap. You can align your map to the referenced features to figure out exactly where it is, although this will always be imprecise, or you can make the map from properly referenced data from the beginning and then make any adjustments you want at the end. You'll also need at least a rudimentary understanding of projections. You'll need to select an appropriate projection if making a new map, or figure out at least an approximation of the projection used in the original before you can align it with the referenced data.


    Is this about making an alternate history map or a real life map? If this is meant to be a real map of Napa Valley then you should be careful about doing this right. If not, then there are ways of approximating that ought to be good enough for the purposes of fiction. If it's real, you might also want to get the name of the country right, and be sure you got that location indicator inset right (you shouldn't just use it to indicate the general area, the red box should exactly align with the extent of the main map)
    Last edited by Hai-Etlik; 08-13-2014 at 01:19 AM.

  6. #6
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    Aug 2014


    Thank you very much for your reply Hai-Etlik.

    I will take note all your suggestion.


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