Quote Originally Posted by Naima View Post
So so its not possible even in Photoshop to apply some tricks?
Assuming the question is about zooming in on river flows, then I'm not sure what tricks would be applicable. The problem is that there isn't enough information on a zoomed-in area to generate flows that are necessarily consistent with the flows of the world at large.

If the question is about climate generation, you can get the high and low pressure things in Photoshop from a land mask and a sea mask using a shapeburst stroke layer style (it's only good up to 255 pixels, but that should be enough; climate models don't generally need to be a high-resolution thing). The hard parts are getting the flow gradient directions around the highs and lows along with intensity. It's easy enough to do with an external program, but I'm not sure how to do that directly in Photoshop. Then those wind and ocean current directions need to iterate a few times to get useful amount of heat transport. I don't think that it's something that can be easily point-evaluated in isolation.