Quote Originally Posted by lostatsea View Post
Be back with an example a little later ! I am assuming you are using a seamless pattern overlay.instead of "filling" the entire water area with the same repeating texture .Stamp it in select areas or mask out areas to break up the pattern .Else wise distorting pieces to provide some variety also helps.

In spite of the river changing direction and shape the Pattern looks too regular; it is a fill . The regularity of which detracts from the more un-regular (Organic ) Hand drawn style of the rest of the map . The mountains look 3 dimensional which conflicts with the two dimensional style of the rest of the map. It is well done on its own but out of place here. This is just a quick example but it illustrate what I am saying. In the end it is all a matter of opinion and taste.

alt text.png
Oh I agree, the water leaves a lot to be desired. I don't suppose you know any good techniques for making a convincing water texture that emulates flow do you? :S