Quote Originally Posted by Falconius View Post
Yeah I was thinking the other week how we seem to lack any Africa equivalent continent which is a shame because Africa is pretty interesting. It's OK I guess though since we got some new stuff to explore, also Earth is Earth and this is a different world. It's not so bad as I feel that deserts would likely only form a small part of the maps people want to make, but I could be wrong. I was curious about the abrupt line-like colour change from white to orange at the mountains on the eastern continents along the equator?

Do you have a colour key you could also post?

Perhaps we should try and come up with a name for this world? I wouldn't even know where to start... maybe just a simple vocalization of CWBP... Kwubap? lol.
Don't you think that the eastern continent look similar to Africa ? large desert surrounded by hot steppes and also a lot of Savannah (they have a particularly dry season). Similar but different since the continent is east-west while Africa is north-south.

The abrupt change is cause by the method I'm using for the precipitation layer. The equatorial climates have 3 colors. The most humid is a darker blue and the dry one is lighter. In fact the second one has 2 tincture of blue. 1 is supposed to symbolize a dry winter and the other is for dry summer. But since they are at the equator, the concept of winter and summer is meaningless. And it doesn't change the climate anyway.

The white area: apparently I don't have these colors in my scheme, maybe I missed them since there is 1000 combinations. But it's odd that they are all at the same place. The method is not to blame because i have found one that was not there.

Yea, I will use the proper colors next time.

I choose Falcazor (not really a good name for the world but interesting)
No, seriously I was considering Demorgos. It's a deformation of the word Demiurge, the world creator. We could add a suffixe or prefixe to include ''land of'' (or not because that part has been forgotten). The meaning would be land of the creator.
According to my friend Google: In Greek it's: γη του δημιουργού or gi̱ tou di̱miourgoú
the pronunciation is somewhere between Jitou and Yitou but we can also drop it or deform the thing even further.