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Thread: [CWBP2] Astrophysics

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  1. #40
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    Planet 4 and 5 are aligned once every 9 years or so. I tried to calculate when planet 4 could eclipse the star and it happened once every century or so. This is based on the idea that both orbit have a different inclination, even if the difference is small, it will have a large impact on eclipse possibility given the distance. To get an idea on the scale and ecliptic possibilities (we could actually test it) take two object that are about 1mm large, with one a little larger than the other. I was thinking maybe a sunflower seed could do the job. Now, find a 10m long room and place one seed on each side.

    Average distance between Earth and Moon is 384 400 km. size 3474 km
    Distance between Planet 4 and 5 = 12 000 000 km (31,2). size 18 708 km (5,39 Moons)

    the actual size is estimated with : delta = diameter / distance
    but I will use the numbers in comparison to the Moon. For example, the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon but also 400 times father. It appear more or less the same size, but the Sun is brighter and the equation does not take this in consideration.

    so, planet 4 is 5,39 times larger and 31,2 times the distance (when at the closest)

    5,39/31,2= 0,17

    The apparent size is 17% of the apparent size of the Moon ? If so, It doesn't make a large eclipse.

    Planet 3: distance 62 000 000 (161,46) size: 32 000 (9,21)
    9,21/161,46= 5%
    It's aligned with planet 5 every 2,25 years

    Planet 6: distance 56 620 000 km (147,45) size 11 265km (3,24)
    2,2 %
    and are aligned once every 1,62 years i think

    Apparent size of the planets compared to our Moon as seen form Earth. AS a comparison: Venus is 3% the size of the Moon. Jupiter 2,5%. Saturn 1%. Mars 1,25%. Mercury 0,7%, Uranus 0,2%. Neptune 0,12%. Pluto: 0,006%...

    Planet 1: (322) (1,89) 0,6%
    Planet 2: (270) (3,27) 1,21%
    Planet 3:5%
    Planet 4: 17%
    sat 1: 3,7%
    sat 2: 1,45%

    Planet 6:2,2 %
    Planet 7: (447) (30) 6,61%
    Planet 8: (1881) (7,2) 0,4 %
    Planet 9: (3800) (67,4) 1,77%

    Back to topic, I think it's better with alignment than distance. It mean the links could open even at a great distance.
    Last edited by Azélor; 09-18-2014 at 04:23 PM.

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