Love the look of this!
So, my original idea for this challenge isn't going to work out as well as I had hoped. Actually, it would work just fine if I had two months time to finish it, and make it look good. A project for another time, perhaps. Still, I wanted to participate in this challenge, so I let my mind wander around some potential themes (besides the primary them of an inland body of water) until it latched onto an idea that would bring this map together.
Thus, I present the Sibling Seas.
Stylistically, this map follows in the footsteps of what I was hoping to accomplish with the Western Kingdoms map I was working on a while back. I have, I think, managed to resolve the issues I was having in trying to "texturize" certain features of that map. Thematically, I'm drawing on a bit of Norse Mythology, and tossing in a few little twists and turns along the way. There's still a ways to go before this map can be called complete, but I wanted to get something up and running for a bit of feedback before I got too far along, and too locked in on certain elements of the map. The labeling in this WIP is a temporary thing that will, I hope, give some hint as to where I am headed with the underlying theme for this map.
Comments, suggestions, and so on, are, as always, more than welcome.
### Latest WIP ###
Last edited by Greason Wolfe; 09-24-2014 at 08:53 PM.
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
Current Main Challenge WIP : None
Completed Maps : Various Challenges
Love the look of this!
Had a little bit of time to play with this, this morning, and plan to work on it more extensively later today. But I wanted to toss this up real quick like to get some opinions. I'm happy with the look of the mountains so far, and moderately happy with the placement of this first batch. The thing that I am concerned about is the size of the labeling. Something tells me it is a bit too small, but that could just be me. Opinions?
An afternoon update is planned that should include a great deal more mountain work along with some early rivers and forests. We'll see how that goes given the possibility that I may get called in to work. Most of that work will be on the outer edges of the map before I start pulling the focus back to the seas, themselves.
### Latest WIP ###
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
Current Main Challenge WIP : None
Completed Maps : Various Challenges
Man, I hope you finish this, because it is looking GREAT so far.
As far as the labeling, if all the text is that size, then yeah it probably would be too small. But it looks like that label is just for one mountain peak, in which case it looks fine.
Thanks Diamond. Yes, that particular labeling was for a single mountain peak. Still working on this today, placing more mountains, rivers, and trying to finalize the forest texture.
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
Current Main Challenge WIP : None
Completed Maps : Various Challenges
A bit of an update here. Work on this has taken me a little longer than I hoped it would. For the most part, I've thrown down a lot of mountain chains at this point. Some of them will go away after I decide where the rivers and miscellaneous lakes are going to go. I just wanted to have something that I can throw into wilbur to see what kind of river results I get. Still struggling with a good look for the forested areas, but I'm getting closer.
### Latest WIP ###
One's worth is not measured by stature, alone. By heart and honor is One's true value weighed.
Current Non-challenge WIP : Beyond Sosnasib
Current Lite Challenge WIP : None
Current Main Challenge WIP : None
Completed Maps : Various Challenges
Looking good!
Looks nice though the mountains ranges look a bit random to me.
And here I thought the mountain ranges were hidden runes spelling out some elvish or dwarvish words!