Quote Originally Posted by xpian View Post
I'm a huge spelljammer fan. You've done a good job with these, and they're a real contribution to our spelljamming online community.

I'm currently running a campaign where my PCs are adventuring from the platform of a Tradesman skyship. It's a planet-bound, atmospheric campaign at the moment, where the spelljamming ships simply sail along the cloud tops and cannot go beyond a certain elevation. In any case, I wanted to give them a nice image for their vessel, so I found some tradesman artwork online and photoshopped some alterations. One thing I always disliked about the tradesman was that the sails were just waaay too huge and swoopy to be practical. So this tradesman has foldable, articulable sails on the side and top.

Note: As I've said, this is not really my own artwork. This is a photoshop mashup of images I found online and intended only for use in my own unpublished, personal D&D campaign.

That is pretty amazing. Have you heard of a SJ artist called, Silverblade: The Enchanter? Silverblade has made a lot of 3D Spelljammer art. He has made 3D models of many ships and has been kind enough to allow a couple of other artists to use his models, to make their own art. You would need to credit him, of course, but I think he would be happy to help you make more Spelljammer pictures, like the one above.