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Thread: First Map...

  1. #1

    Default First Map...

    After lurking for years, I decided to give map making a try. I have always loved maps, and as an avid gamer, I'm interested in being able to create my own. If I may make a few observations:

    1) After having struggled to put together this meager effort, I am even more impressed by the work on display here. The maps on this site are amazing! I have a deepened respect for those who make maps well.

    2) No matter how humble this first attempt, it would have been impossible without all the great tutorials and tips from everyone.

    3) This is not mere geometry...cartography is an art form...pure and simple.

    4) Cartography is addicting! This may seem a little strange, but I can't tell you the number of hours I spent wandering through the land I was creating. I have favorite places. Scenes in my head that I'll never forget. I have walked every road on this little map. Tell me if I need professional help.

    So in humility (and with trepidation) may I present my first map. - Elandea -


    Please...I'm interested in constructive criticism! I want to learn and the only way for that to happen is to see the many way I need to improve.

    Thanks to all for your unknown help,

    Last edited by Zereth; 10-03-2014 at 06:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer SJS's Avatar
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    Feb 2014
    Winter Springs, Florida


    I think it is quite nice! Looks geographically plausible, nice subtle color palate, nice finishing touches. The border you've got there is quite "faded" but that may have been an artistic choice on your part and nothing wrong with that. You spelled "criticism" wrong, but that's the only feedback I've got for you!

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
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    Pacific Northwest USA


    Great first map! Watch out with resizing brushes, the lines on your mountains near Iuth are much wider than the rest so seem out of place. You might try some lines on your forest to unify them artistically with your mountains. I like your color choices nice subtle earth tones.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept Corilliant's Avatar
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    New Zealand


    Very nice first map! I agree with madcowchef, the earthy colours are very nice.
    One thing that I think could be adjusted (and I only just learnt how a few days ago -_- ) are the double coastal lines. They're a bit jagged when I zoom in, although everything else looks marvellous at that level. Did you use a pencil tool, and what software?


  5. #5
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Congratulations on your de-lurk and first (posted) map!

    I have a couple of suggestions/criticisms:

    1) Having the dark, solid coastal lines without a similar line defining the coastline itself looks odd to me. If you keep the double lines, I'd either make them a light shade of blue so they don't contrast/distract too much with the coast, or add a third line that follows the coastline exactly.

    2) I like the mountain and hill icons, and I like the Eye of the World crater. I just don't like them both on the same map.

    3) Have you considered rotating the label for Ilago Sea counterclockwise a bit so that it's easier to read?

    Have some rep for a pretty good-looking map!

  6. #6


    Thanks for all the great feedback! I have a couple of questions/comments.

    1) Corrillant, how do I make the coast lines less Jagged? I agree it would look better if they were softer.
    2) I"m using Photoshop CC 2014
    3) Diamond, do you think the Eye of the World would be a more prominent feature without the hills?

    Again, thanks for all the positive and helpful feedback!

  7. #7
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    I think it's prominent enough as is. I just think the style clashes when you're also using more traditional icons on the same map.

  8. #8
    Guild Adept Corilliant's Avatar
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    New Zealand


    If you went around the coastlines manually with a pencil tool, I'd suggest using a brush instead. Just set the spacing at 1%.
    If however, it wasn't manual then... *shrug* ...blurring? I dunno. I wouldn't have a clue.
    I'm just sharing something I found that you might find interesting too

  9. #9
    Guild Expert snodsy's Avatar
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    Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky Area


    Really great job as your first one, I to have just begun doing the photoshop maps and have been struggling with some aspects, this site has been helpful, I really like your forest textures, how did you do those? Your color palette and land and water textures are really well done

    I have a couple comments, but I'm a rookie too. I agree with the comments about the coastlines rings, a third outer ring as well as the second rings could start to have breaks, the further away the more broken. Also an outer glow to the land into the water, lighter, helps create depth. An inner glow on the land, darker, creates a nice separation. And a stroke, of darker blue completes a nice land to ocean translation.

    On your mountains try connecting the peak to each other, to a degree, not all, there would be mountain passes breaking it up.

    The text for you seas should curve clockwise There is a really good article that was put on this website on map text you can find it in the forum section, Mapping Resources, Reference Material - right now page 4 - Positioning Names on Map

    Good luck great start

  10. #10


    Thanks for all the helpful input!

    I've made a few changes based on your insights....and here's the result. I softened the concentric circles surrounding the land mass. I used the Selection->Smooth function to make it less jagged. I corrected the orientation of the curved text to be clockwise (much more readable...thank you!) I also made the border more prominent. Along with a host of smaller changes. See what you think!

    Thanks again!

    Last edited by Zereth; 10-06-2014 at 12:18 PM.

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