Nice map!! I don't recognize the tiles. But I want them!
This is a little dungeon I made for my home campaign. One of my d&d players characters died in the previous adventure, and was one of the most memorable characters our group ever had. Since we decided to return to the same campaign after a two year hiatus, and since the game takes place a hundred years later, I decided to include a little bit of fan service
I did everything from scratch, but the tiles came from the web. I can't remember where I got them. Does someone know where they are from? I would like to credit the artist on my deviantart page.
Nice map!! I don't recognize the tiles. But I want them!
My Battlemaps Gallery
If there are dungeon elements unknown to Bogie, then they are dungeon elements incapable of being known.
Thanks guys! I just hope I don't anger the original artist. I'll make my own version of dungeon tiles soon.
You mean like these?
Stone Dungeon Floor by pfunked on deviantART
Oh Crap, Madcowchef is going to be so disappointed in me. I downloaded these over a year ago and never opened the folder.
Good find Chick!
Last edited by Bogie; 10-10-2014 at 09:46 PM.
My Battlemaps Gallery
Madcowchef loses his faith in Bogieism, retreats from the world and only makes maps with rivers that part repeatedly before reaching the ocean.
Good find chick! I think everyone who knows just how much work it takes to put these things together likes giving credit where credit is do.
Ummm, guys, I googled "cracked stone dungeon tiles" and clicked on images. They were number 1. It wasn't that hard.....
It is sorcery, or worse, witchcraft that she has bested us with!
Dang! We sure have gotten off topic! NICE MAP JONPIN!!! We haven't forgotten about you!
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