That is really cool! I love the faded galaxy behind the "active" sector.
So, my players are progressing in my space opera game and I wanted to rework my sectors's maps of the galaxy (galaxy I previously mapped here).
I've reworked the style a lot already, and I mean to add more informations. This is the Leonids Sector's Map. It's incomplete but the major part is done, only some informations are missing.
GSLeonids ip.jpg
I intend to do all the sectors this way, so let me know if something is wrong or could be improved!
That is really cool! I love the faded galaxy behind the "active" sector.
Gidde's just zis girl, you know?
My finished maps | My deviantART gallery
My tutorials: Textured forests in GIMP, Hand-Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged
Thanks Gidde! I've made a new try to improve the contrast between the active sector and the rest. I've made the backround texture less present and more bright. What do you think? I'm also not sure about the grid behind the informative screens...
GS Leonids.jpg
And of course, some more details! Don't hesitate to comment!
Hm. I think I like it better darker. You lost a bit of contrast between the grid/inactive-sector labels and the background. That said, if you change the grid/label coloring the brighter bg could work.
Gidde's just zis girl, you know?
My finished maps | My deviantART gallery
My tutorials: Textured forests in GIMP, Hand-Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged
Well, I think I prefer the darker one too, after comparison. The space is dark isn'it ? I may have a problem with the outer sectors of the galaxy though. Here's one of them : the Muscarids Sector. "Classic version" on the left and a bit brighter on the right. What do you think? Should I keep going with the dark one for all the sectors?
GS Muscarids.jpg & GS Muscarids br.jpg
Else, the finished Leonids Sector would look like that. And the begining of the Orionids Sector...
GS Leonids.jpg
GS Orionids.jpg
You're right, the lighter bg looks better on the very sparse sector. how bout this? keep both light and dark bg's as layers, and then put an active-sector-only mask on the bright one? then you'll get the best of both worlds ... um, galaxies.
Gidde's just zis girl, you know?
My finished maps | My deviantART gallery
My tutorials: Textured forests in GIMP, Hand-Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged
You mean like that?
GS Muscarids.jpg
I think, I'll be forced to "cheat" a little with the outer sectors and the galactic core anyway... Thanks for helping!
Exactly like that!! Looks great![]()
Gidde's just zis girl, you know?
My finished maps | My deviantART gallery
My tutorials: Textured forests in GIMP, Hand-Drawn Mapping for the Artistically Challenged
ThanksI'll do that for the outer sectors and the contrary for the core.
Here's the Orionids Sector (finished) and the Draconids sector in progress. I suppressed the effect on the triangles/squares to keep more their colors.
So, Draconids sector done. And Ursids sector in progress...
Last edited by Ilanthar; 10-24-2014 at 07:33 AM. Reason: few corrections