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Thread: Conspiracy themed strategy board game needs world map game board !

  1. #1

    Default Conspiracy themed strategy board game needs world map game board !

    * Full Colour Modern world map required for conspiracy themed strategy board game
    * Game illustrations/artwork are in political satire/Mad Magazine Sergio Argones comic style
    * Looking for a world map to use as the game board - one that can work with the above styles

    Map Style/Size:
    * modern day world
    * map to show all continents (including both N/S Poles) broken into sub regions (eg Africa > North/South/East/West/Central)
    * each continent edge to be highlighted in different colour
    * flattened spherical projection with longitude and latitude (eg Robinson projection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
    * map doesn't have to be exactly geographically correct - eg some continents can be squeezed/bent closer to fit the oval board
    * max physical board dimensions approx 85cm W at longest part and 39cm high at centre - oval/spherical tapering
    * no external border (will be adding an outer space wrap around in a future expansion)
    * eg of my working prototype used for playtests attached below to give you an idea (note ignore the outer edge with white scribble this will be cut out)
    - map_eg.jpg

    * Professional finish required
    * Initially for printed game board but will eventually be used for digital version
    * Due to game theme and humorous content/card illustrations etc the map does not have to be realistic
    - can be stylized/comic esque
    - open to ideas!
    - egs of game boards that might assist- War on Terror the Boardgame, Axis and Allies, Risk
    * we work with Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign etc) so map output/files need to be compatible

    Time Constraints
    * looking for a quick turnaround

    * We (Dark Mushroom Games Pty Ltd) will retain all rights to the artwork/map
    * We will supply an artist's agreement/rights waiver to be signed reflecting the above
    * The artist will be credited for their work in game rules book/website etc
    * The artist will be able to use the map as an eg in their own portfolio but not for further commercial gain

    * Dark Mushroom Games is a new start up games publisher so conscious of budget but willing to pay appropriate rate for the right person that meets the brief
    * Please contact Nick (see below) with your rate details/estimate re this piece of work

    Additional Work
    * We will release expansions for the base game that will require additional maps (eg space)
    * Chosen artist will have potential to pick up this additional follow up work once initial piece complete

    Application Details
    * If the above sounds appealing please contact Nick via PM and/or email (nick ++--++ at ++--++ darkmushroom ++--++ dot ++--++ com) and PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING:

    1) egs of any relevant modern world map portfolio work/egs
    2) if nothing in your portfolio re 1) then please supply a quick draft/mock up of a continent/country (eg Australia) to give me a feel for your style
    3) Details of your availability
    4) Details of your rates
    5) Contact details

    Thanks for your interest in our project.



    Dark Mushroom Games
    Last edited by DarkMushroomGames; 10-19-2014 at 11:39 AM.

  2. #2


    Hi guys

    Thanks to all those who have applied so far. Looking to review applications late tomorrow night (Wed 22 Oct) Sydney, AU time with the view of making a decision and moving forward. If you are still interested but yet to apply please get in touch before then. Thanks again



    Dark Mushroom Games

  3. #3


    Hi everyone

    Just an update to say thanks to all our applicants and that the position has now been filled.

    We will have more requirements in future and will post opportunities up here as they arise.

    Thanks again for your interest in our project.



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