updated the Hebbie's Ale House thread
Some minor changes to the floor plan on the inside, but it is still Hebbie's on the outside. Perhaps even more so, as the challenge has really challenged me to make it work.
updated the Hebbie's Ale House thread
Some minor changes to the floor plan on the inside, but it is still Hebbie's on the outside. Perhaps even more so, as the challenge has really challenged me to make it work.
been working on tokens for the challenge and hit a bit of a wall, so I looked back through my notes for the FHCO's and the things they suggested, Ol' Horsehair and Raith both want really different, than the average weapons, so based on Riath's description of what he wanted I modelled a weapon for Gimphor Lope the Vanner, it may make it on to his token, and it may not, so I will post it here.
I started modelling something similiar for Raith awhile back, but ran into problems on how to design it so it would work,,,,today I remembered, "Heret, this be Ansium, anything be possible, especially in Thrubmorton Fen. So I pulled out all the springs, gears, releases and such,,,and tossed in a good bit of Wijjery, thanks to Bumblemouse and her Ethiels. Ethiels are a palm sized coin that Bumblemouse spreads about to the Good Sorts, and they are full of power and Wijjery...thats the condensed version.
Sooo, as far as Lope and his Staff Blade goes, an Ethiel is what powers it, not my overly complicated springs, gears, releases and such. As it is crafted by Nope the Smithy and Cagil the Artificer, and not SeerBlue the Scribe, it works much better.
The pic helps to illustrate it, but basically it is a hollow steel tube, forged from the finest of Nopes steel and Snappie iron, around the tube is wrapped the local version of Bamboo,as a Vanner with a wooden staff raises no eye brows, but a Vanner with a gleaming 6 foot 3 inch foot long steel tube may. In each half of the tube is a three foot blade, of unknown origin, but exceedingly fine workmanship.
In the center of the tube is an Ethiel on a pivot, when positioned, via a twist grip and lever, horizontally between the blades, they rocket straight out from their retracted position inside the tube and lock in place. Twist the grip and move the Ethiel so that it is on edge within the tube, and the blades whistle back in and lock....kind of like a loadstone on steriods, that only effects the blades...
Any how I have to plot out just how all this was discovered, leading Vanner Lope to hire Nope and Cagil to craft it, and how Raith will end up with one...
The Lope Blade is about 90% done, an hours work all told, mating the twist grip and lever inside the tube is giving me fits in Sketchup, so in the illustration the parts that should be inside are on the table....by the way if you had access to an Ethiel, with all its wijjery intact, two blades of this mysterious metal, and Nope and Cagil, you could build one yourself,,,,from the skp.
This is truly a powerhouse of creation and the most detailed world building of anywhere on the CWBP - you guys deserve a special award!
hahahaha, I'll take a summer house in Karstview, with a Dalmatian in the yard.
Hopefully the final product of all this will be a game board (or two) for them to play on, with all the maps, a PDF/ODF with all the info, illustrations, and stories,(links too, of course,), their new tokens (which I never even thought of until this months competition), a couple of archived discs,,, and lots of good memories for the FHCOs.
I haven't even posted a smidgen of the stories, they need clean up and continuity checks,,,names changed mysteriously overtime, and the FHCOs let me know. Pushing about 40 typed pages and ooddles of scribbled pages in my notebook. New characters appear all the time and then need to be given a tell or two.
And I have also learned loads that will translate over to ME-DEM, which is a definite bonus.
Weeeel, I'm thinking less of you and more about the kids. Is there something that we can do to thrill their little hearts?
Do say, and we'll see what we can do.
Dang, well off the top of my head, since they do most of there preliminary ideas for buildings, maps, and villages and such in crayon and watercolor pencils, before going into sketchup, PS/Gimp, and now Dungeon forge, perhaps a little "Future Cartographer" icon of a crayon on a map scroll.
They have their own login, but can't post, so I guess if that is the type of something you have in mind, it could go on my posts, and I will put an automatic blurb at the bottom of all my posts that says it is their award,,,(I think I can figure out how that portion works)
That will certainly tickle them.
I have a four year old and a two year old. I often get name ideas from the Tadpoles, but maybe I need to get them more intimately involved in the process. I know some of Artoo's nightmares have provided grist for the Monster Mill. Tickle Bats(shudder)...
Astrographer - My blog.
-How to Fit a Map to a Globe
-Regina, Jewel of the Spinward Main(uvmapping to apply icosahedral projection worldmaps to 3d globes)
-Building a Ridge Heightmap in PS
-Faking Morphological Dilate and Contract with PS
-Editing Noise Into Terrain the Burpwallow Way
-Wilbur is Waldronate's. I'm just a fan.