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Thread: July Challenge: Hebbie's Ale House

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    Just pulled this out of my email from the FHCO, it is the beginning of the second floor, the red border is the eaves of the 1st floor roof, I think, and the roof for the tower (Raith loves the roof tool) and the compass rose/fountain is out front....Now they want it to serve as a sun clock thingy,,,name escapes me, which actually won't be that difficult as I know exactly where Snapgallows lies in its world geographically and I can put that info in to sketchup and get correct shadows,,,,though we may have to change the shape of the compass rose they made.
    While they are doing this I will finish up Lope's StaffBlade, Raith's Staffblade, and Ol' Horsehair's DogWhomp, which I guess is a long mace like thing that a horseman uses to whomp dogs.
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's

    ### Latest WIP ###
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    Last edited by SeerBlue; 07-08-2008 at 06:12 PM.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hey Seer, Wow lots to catch up on. Gotta shoot right now tho but... do you and your powerhouse of carpet orcs have a good (species) name for a big tree - big tall and straight trunk, rare, but found all over Ansium. Most have been chopped down but that there are a few to be found in Thrub region. You have been coming up with some great names of stuff. My next map will be based on that tree - or rather 4 of them. I could try to name it but it wont be half as good as what you come up with

  3. #3
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    I'll get with them tomorrow on that, Raith will probably come up with something good as he has been learning to draw iso trees, on his own, even....I strongly suspect he reads the tutorials when I am not around.
    It will probably be something similar in name to Baobab/baobob???, as that is what he is most interested in at the moment, he gives them all names, my favorite is Waddlebob, named as such as it moves around to get water and it was the same day we conjured up Odduck the Grand and his pet ducks ((lots of things got duck related names that day, from pipe leaf (Rusty Mallard) to some of Hebbie's flavored Tatershine ( Red Pochard), thank Heret's Shadow for Wikipedia)),
    You don't see Baowhatsits around here so they have the "very cool" factor. He has given me several drawings to keep of them, and I shall.
    I sent you an email concerning tg and the xml files, still have to finish it, when the kids are around Snapgallows' rules the world, you know....
    ohh I have been meaning to ask, does Thrubmorton have any type of military/militia force,,,,,Ol' Horsehair needs one to have formerly been a member of, and I was a tol' by Ol' Horsehair himself, "you can't just MAKE up a unit, its gotta be there, or oid be lyin!"

    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Had some time to kill at the pool today, and they have internet there, so I did a little research on Sundials, as the FHCO mentioned a sunclock cause Cagil the Artificer hasn't got his shipment of spring steel in yet and so he hasn't built Ol' Horsehair his clock tube,,,,
    Anywho and whatnot, after looking about I found the basics to make a sundial, used my Lat and Long for Snapgallows and trusty sketchup, and 30 minutes later Hebbies has a working sundial in the garden, which will also replace the compass rose as that will incorporated into it. It actualiy works, according to Sketchups shadow tools, for the time of day, from about 8 am to 4 pm.
    Noon is called HighSun in Snappie, and in the pic on the sundial, with the morning hours being to the right and the evening to the left, as you look at it.
    On each hour the shadow from the gnomon (center rod) is in the center of the small pillar for the right hour on the plane....I haven't labelled the pillars yet as I can't think of good hour names, so I must storm with the FHCO.
    For their use I will render some tokens of the sundial for each hour to help them track gametime......then its back to knocking on Cagil's door to get the clock tube done so they know when it is time to go to bed.

    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
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    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  5. #5
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I have some pics of Pochard here. I am into ducks too - well all birds actually. There is a red crested Pochard which looks good but not native to UK so you only get them at zoo's and collections.

    Baobabs are cool trees but they are short and bushy. These are real tall, straight and like ship masts !. You read "The little prince ?" - Love that book. I think it lost a bit in translation tho.

    Military force. Well weve all been concentrating on the merchant side of things really. Meleeguy was going to do Fenridge Castle where there would be a large garrison. Anywhere along the ridge from Roebuck to Morton would have pretty large amounts of guards and mercenaries tho. All of the towns should have some sort of protection so I would think almost anywhere would be able to provide a background.
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  6. #6
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Nice Duck, we get a large amount of different ducks, geese, swans migrating through here, vast honking quacking flying V's that cross over right above where I live, so we always go out on the porch to watch when we hear them. Sometimes they are low enough to here the swish-buzz of their wings.
    Roebuck works great, as we will call them Roebuck Rangers, Ol' Horsehairs real dad, not Snapgallows dad, was a ranger, as was my greatgreat how ever many times grandfather during the revolutionary war, I have done a fair bit of research into the old ranging companies which will help and I have digital copies of his muster documents and pay scripts,,,which will make excellent keepsakes for Ol' Horsehair with a little PS to add his name. So he will be Royt Hayer of Bedell's Ranging Company. Solves the "has to be real" conundrum.
    Ahh, you blokes and your passion for trees like ships masts,,,you still don't use them in your Navy do you? YOUR ancestors pretty much harvested all of them from MY ancestors property ages ago for the crown.....I'll let Raith know your description and we will through out some names,,,tends to work.
    SeerBlue, the FHCO's are still sleeping.
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

  7. #7
    Guild Adept SeerBlue's Avatar
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    Black hills of South Dakota


    weellll, i knew I was PS deficient, but the FHCO's seem to take great glee in proving it, I sent them the skp for the sundial tokens and a psd for photoshop (they live across town and I don't drive unless I have to, for humanities sake,,,and they sent me back this,,,much better than mine, so I am going to leave the artsy stuff to them,,,I figured out, by looking at their psd, they only used 2, just 2, layers, compared to my overloaded file......Orcs!!!
    SeerBlue and the FHCO's
    Attached Images Attached Images
    SeerBlue is me, but more importantly the Four Happy Carpet Orcs +2 (FHCO +2) are Lizzy (BumbleMouse, 16), Race (Raith Eliathy, 11), Roy (Ol' Horsehair, 9), and Lena Marie (Lemur, 6) Kimi (Whurm,2), and Sachiko (MoMo,1)
    All creative inspiration is theirs, from characters to maps to tells, I only fill in the details.

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