It seems i need to be a bit more precise in what i was proposing.
Naturally, it is not the intention of such a forum to be a place to flame-war other members for their infractions and stuff. It is not the purpose of such a forum (I'd like to call it: Trouble Ticket) to be a place to wash one's dirty laundry, so to speak. But it is a place where information can be posted about "problems" on the forums. And i don't mean technical problems (for that there is a subforum already).
My idea for this comes from one of the biggest forums on the internet i know. ... the biggest rpg gamer-community on the net. It has such a place where one can ask about bans or where mods inform about bans. You can also do stuff like request thread-moves, thread-renaming and such stuff. On, members can indeed take part in the threads, so the threads are open to post to, but if you think this is not a good idea, you could also make them "CL posts only" and members can only read stuff. This limits some things, naturally (for example members couldn't open own threads for request for renaming etc.).
Anyway, what i want to say is, this seems to work for a community much more numerous and therefore much more diverse (and opinionated ) than we are here on the guild, so i don't think it would pose a problem to run such a forum on here, where we have, as it seems, in general very level headed people (aka i don't think it would end in flamewars and angry post battles).
Be that as it may, i just wanted to explain a bit better what i meant: Obviously, as i said above, we don't need to know every little detail of a ban or similar personal things...but an information like "Member XY ban : violation of rule 7: harrasment - 3 day ban" would go a long way to make things more transparent (and no ambivalent feelings towards "secret mod police" stuff) and prevent needless speculation and spaming of map threads with discussion about said ban.
Hope that makes it a bit more clear.
And thanks to the CLs that have come by so far and posted very detailed replies...i'm sure we all appreciate it.