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Thread: [Award Winner ] Creating an old-school map in Gimp.

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  1. #11
    Community Leader Facebook Connected torstan's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    You can add other items to the map in exactly the same way. Now I'm not going to draw a load of mapping icons for everyone here, but it is quite possible to find a large number of them on the dunjinni site here:

    I couldn't find the basic Dungeoncrafter tiles anywhere, but if someone has a link, I'm sure they can post it here.

    Now the dunjinni tiles are a bit large (sized for a 200px grid) so it's best to resize them. When you want to use one of those do the following. When you open it for the first time, go to Image->Scale Image. Change the units to percent and the magnitude to 25 on each axis:

    This will scale the image down by 25%, from a 200px/grid size to a 50px/grid size. Now as before, select-all, copy and paste on to your map. Remember that it is probably worth setting up a new layer for each new set of furnishings.

    This time when you close the image of your object, you do want to save. Go to File->Save As... before you close the file and save it as <objectName>Small.png or similar. That way you will quickly build up a library of objects that you can use that are at the right scale for your maps.

    Equally, you can draw your own. This isn't too hard, but if/when you get stuck trying this, please ask around and people will be able to help you out.

    Finally, you'll want to label your maps. Choose the trext tool (the large A) and start typing. If the label is in the wrong place, don't worry. Use the movement tool with the following settings:

    If you click and drag on your text now you will be able to move it to wherever you like.

    With these last tips you should end up with map something like this in no time:

    If you want, you can add a scale in as well or you can leave those like toff guessing.

    Save the .xcf version of your map again (ctrl-S), and then Save As... (ctrl-shift-S) OldSchool.jpg (or name of your choice of course), click okay on the two dialogues that come up and you have yourself a finished map!
    Last edited by torstan; 07-11-2008 at 07:36 AM.

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