Stunning THW, just stunning! It turned out even better than I expected, and I already had high hopes! It's evident that you not only put a lot of time and effort into drawing this, but also put a lot of thought into the general layout to really illustrate the versatility of a city. Except nit-picking, I really don't have anything to criticize here.

Your WIP was highly inspiring to follow, with a equally inspiring final result. Can't wait to see what your next undertaking will be!

Ps/ I actually don't agree with Max on his comment above. I really don't see the issue in the perspective. Sure, there are a few wrong lines, but other than that it's consistent through and through. The only thing I see that might be wrong with it is that it's different from the perspectives usually seen for these kind of maps around the guild – but personally, I think that's a good thing. Long as you are consistent with it, it works, and I for one wouldn't want it to change
