Thanks everyone!

@Clercon: that 55 days was mainly just a couple of hours a day. I don't think I have the patience to sit at a drawing non-stop for a whole day.

@Max: I've already started work on another city map commission in the same style, so hopefully I'll be able to make the perspective more consistent. That said, I think it is always going to be the case when hand-drawing a map with this much detail that there are slips and mistakes; and once the ink is down, there's no Ctrl+Z option.

@Katto: thanks (off-topic, but I keep hoping to find time to work on Birdseye again; sorry that project has become rather inactive lately).

@tainotim: thanks tainotim. As you and I stubbornly stick to traditional media, I think that you more than anyone can understand the difficulties of hand-drawing a city like this with pen and paper.